Let me share a little of my life path with you. I want to tell you a bit about myself and what led me to my work and continues to guide me through life’s changes.
From a very early age, I have been full of questions. I was born into a large and extended family that although quite diverse, all share good common values. As children, my brothers and I were encouraged to learn, question, and respect differing viewpoints. This is reflected in the diversity of people that come to my table for readings. If you have an open mind, along with questions, you’re welcome here. It was at our kitchen table that I first remember my mother and aunts reading tea leaves. I loved their interest in folk wisdom and different kinds of readings. They were mindful of taking their perceptions (some quite strong and accurate) “with a grain of salt.” My father would be off in the corner of the room, reading his paper, gently teasing, saying, “yes, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.”