Beware of imitators!

Be aware of fraudulent profiles using my name and image. Learn how to protect yourself from scams and ensure secure transactions with TrevorSense.

IMPORTANT MESSAGE ON FALSE ACCOUNT SCAMS: Please note if you get a friend or message request on Facebook (or through other media) from someone using my picture and variations of my business name – Do NOT accept it! These are fraudulent personal profiles or page accounts that copy a business’s public posts and that are trying to get you to join to look legitimate and often then want you to register for “free readings” or other offers and then ask for your credit card or other information. Please report then block and delete it. Also please warn others you know if you see them as connections on this.This is unfortunately going on for a number of individuals as well as businesses.(and has happened to some of my colleagues lately too).This has been reported and filed with both the police andwww.antifraudcentre.caKnow this:1. I never message out from my business Page on Facebook (you wont get message requests or friend requests from me). I also don’t generally tag people in posts, unless the post is about a person/page and is intentionally linking to them (mass tagging of a number of people is a sure sign of a scam).2. I never ask for credit card information, my billing is done through secure transactions over secure platforms ensuring your security and privacy.3. Any offers or promotions would be through social media linking to my websitehttps://trevorsense.com4. This is another reason I prefer contact by phone (204)504-9575 or email (with your phone number) toinfo@trevorsense.comwith a follow up call. You know you are dealing directly with my business.You can also report online fraud in Canada by calling the Canadian Government’s anti fraud centre at 1-888-495-8501 or by, if you have given the false profile information like your credit card (which I will not ask for directly) cancel the transaction and contact your financial institution and (if need be) law enforcement immediately.Thank you ALL for your responses on this. Crazy times out there, but the love and loyalty of you my friends is heartening.#tarot #tarotcards #tarotreading #tarotonline #psychic #psychicreading #tarotreadersofinstagram #psychicreadings #psychiconline #winnipegpsychic #staysafe #trevorpsychicintuitive #winnipeg

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