My Practice/Standards In Psychic Intuitive Tarot Reading

Learn about TrevorSense's professional guidelines for Tarot readings, including session structure, intuitive practices, and ethical boundaries.

Through my own work (as well as sharing with colleagues and people I respect in various professions) I have come to establish my own guidelines in professional psychic intuitive Tarot reading.

These standards have evolved over the years, as well as my own professional boundaries and areas of specialization. I always point out that intuitive or psychic reading is very individual in it’s expression and practice and readers usually develop their own style (and reputation) over time.

My reading sessions are generally a half hour in length. I have done fairs and parties (and still do occasionally) and particularly when I read in restaurants the format was quite a bit shorter ( I sometimes had as many as 30 people waiting). When I established my independent practice on an appointment basis, I moved into a longer format and found that I was usually able to cover pertinent information and provide insight quite comfortably within the half hour, also allowing time near the end for the client to ask questions verbally.

With the exception of reading for friends (which is different), I like to go into a reading knowing very little about the person. I don’t like to be led by obvious cues or clues. At the same time part of what I do does involve paying attention to and being sensitive to the state the person is in, this has more to do with the delivery of information than to the information itself.

The reading room is a relaxing environment and can comfortably accommodate myself and up to 3 or 4 other people (at most). Many people prefer to come individually or in pairs as reading is, for the most part, an intimate experience. I allow people to bring in a friend and sometimes small groups like to sit in on one an other’s readings. I’m fine with that.

This can also apply to the online aspect of my work where, individuals, couples and chosen friends can all be present on the Zoom call, together or in separate windows, even coming together from different locations!

I will allow people to use a recording device of their choice, recordings are for personal/private use.

Sample picture of some of the Tarot cards in the Rider Waite Tarot

I begin by explaining how I would like the person to shuffle the deck (in present circumstances I shuffle and you tell me when to stop) – always holding the cards over the table and face down – (a lot of people don’t handle cards much these days). While shuffling I ask the person to reflect, silently of course, on any important issues they may have or to reflect as if a good friend asked them how they are doing. I like to say the affirmation that this work be to the greater good of those in our hearts and minds and out into the world. After shuffling I have them cut the cards (presently I cut but they get to make a choice in that)  and I begin to read

The psychic intuitive Tarot reading itself can vary. Generally I am working with a combination of what I receive intuitively ( I get very strong impressions of both the external circumstances of the person as well as the lessons they are moving through internally) and also the interpretation of the cards themselves.
I work with either a Rider/Waite deck – as seen in this sample (click on it for a larger view), or a variant there-of. I like the Aquarian tarot as an alternative, but it’s usually the Rider. I have evolved my own version of the traditional Celtic Cross spread, which I will post about in the future. I tend to pay a lot of attention to card combinations and the predominance of symbols, numbers and elements. Usually there is a theme or lesson that is revealed running through the various areas of a person’s life (i.e. relationships, work, security and conflicts).

Toward the last part of the session I allow for questions to be asked verbally. I prefer this towards the end as questions are often rather leading and I should have established a connection before this point so as to not be biased.

I don’t recommend a person having readings too often, for most it is a yearly thing, or they may come around a specific issue then come for a follow up a few months after, but I NEVER encourage dependency on what I do. It is meant to be food for thought and an adjunct to a person’s own good judgement.

For some it is entertainment and I am OK with that. Sometimes it IS entertaining, but I take what I do seriously at the same time. I do have a psychic / intuitive gift that I have to use responsibly and also a strong ability to empathize and understand which the work itself has strengthened. Communication skills and a sense of humor help too. Apart from that I do not see myself as being that much different from most people and don’t purport to be, (other than the quirks everyone does have and I must admit I have a few).

I don’t read for people under 18. I also will decline a reading if I feel the person is not in a responsible state to receive what I offer objectively. To me reading is a form of perception that should be received with an open mind even a bit of friendly skepticism, blind faith is as bad as, if not worse than, vehement cynicism.

In the cases of people going through major issues or crisis (i.e. abusive relationships, psychological problems, loss or trauma, addiction issues) I may spend some of the time suggesting a referral to an appropriate resource. Sometimes in these instances I will say that it might not be the time for a reading, depending on the circumstances. I reserve the right to refuse service if I don’t feel it is an appropriate situation.

I am not qualified to diagnose health issues and have not tried to develop my perception along those lines. I refer that to a person’s doctor or an appropriate practitioner. I will discuss well being and the messages a person may be getting from their body.

I can get very strong impressions about people in the person’s life or that may be coming into the picture, but I cant, for instance, give someone information on an ex they broke up with two years ago if that person is not relevant to their life anymore.

I don’t classify myself as a medium. I have had some senses about people who have passed on but more often in terms of what the living carry from that connection. I do sometimes sense presences or trace energies in environments or around people and I have had some very strong personal experiences (and also people close to me have), but I work cautiously in this on professional ground as it is not what I see as my specialization (at least at this time).

Reading is an on-going learning experience. I have to approach each day and each client with a willingness to learn in the doing. Most of the time I love my job.

Offering “Food For Thought”

Psychic readings can be many things to many people. We all have our own gifts and our own unique expression.  I offer what I do as an art form of inspiring entertainment. Readings cannot take the place of your own judgement.

I am not an authority on medical, legal, psychological or financial matters. Concerns in these areas should be directed to appropriate resources. You are ultimately responsible for your life and decisions. You must be 18 years of age to have a reading.

As a form of art, my kind of reading should be something that speaks to you, providing relevant information that encourages and inspires. As a story teller I share experience and as a perceptive intuitive psychic I look forward to being of service.

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