Stay updated with TrevorSense on new services, online readings, and exciting changes. Embracing the future with online tools!
Hi! Welcome back to my new and gradually improving website! It's been an adventure, and I'm deeply grateful to a design team and tech support. For an old guy like me, technology can be challenging. Hopefully, as I settle into this new format, I can share a little more and thank you all for your patience as I catch up a bit with the 21st century. Here's what's new and happening:
Online Or Zoom Appointments. Part of what brought this upgrade about are the challenging times we all are moving through, where more has to happen online. In the early stages of COVID, my work had to transition during lockdown to strictly online readings. I have offered readings for a few years now over Skype, but I had to quickly adapt to a different format and found Zoom to be a bit more user-friendly. These tools allowed me to stay in touch and be available for others, near and far. This service will continue along with in-person readings.
Many of my colleagues and I, have had to contend with people imitating or fraudulently "spoofing" their businesses on social media. More on this in the post "Beware Of Imitators."
As we all emerge from restrictions, I hope everyone is keeping safe, and I look forward to being of service.
- Trevor
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Explore the reflective polarity between The Lovers and The Devil cards, representing love’s transformational power and fear-based obsession.
Read MoreLearn from Pema Chodron’s teachings on mindfulness and meditation, including her books "Start Where You Are" and "When Things Fall Apart."
Read MoreA friend's Nana, resourceful and skilled, secretly saved money to buy a garage, illustrating the Queen of Pentacles' values and resourcefulness.
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